Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blizzard now have 10 million paying players

January the 22. Exactly one year after The Burning Crusade release, Blizzard was happy to announce that they now have 10 million paying players world wide.

Atari and FUNimation Announce Next Chapter in DBZ Video Game

Attention all Dragonball Z fans: Atari and FUNimation have announced the latest chapter in DBZ next generation video games. Dubbed Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, the new game is being developed for both XBox 360 and Playstation 3.

I challenge you

This is a very simple game, we should start a team and challenge the other ltl companies.

Language Barrier? No way, monsieur!

We at G2W are super cool! We have such great games on our site, so we thought, why not have our site in different languages, so that even more people can take advantage of our fabulous content! So considerate, no?

American Idol goes Virtual!

Well Hellllo all you crazy people! I'm sorry, I meant to say, hello, all you sanity-impaired people! This political correctness thing is getting to be a pain in the a$$! Anyway, did you miss me? Of course you did! Who wouldn't miss a know-it-all, self-glorifying monkey!

American McGee - Something New, Something Wicked

American McGee of "Alice" fame and former iD programmer has a new project in the works. Although details are scarce, they are looking to fill roles on the design team. "What I can say about the project is this: "UE3 based, big publisher, multi-platform, twisted tale project" - pre-production is starting soon"

Office Style

An important aspect of office culture is its dress code. All companies have their own dress code and so does G2W. Here we follow the traditional Dress Code Model – Monday through Thursday: Formal Attire, and of course then comes Casual Friday!

More Affordable Domains From Estdomains!

EstDomains, a US-based domain name registrar, now offers international domains at discount prices during its special offer. If you are familiar with domain name registration process, you probably know that the registration costs may differ substantially from one registrar to another.

That's Right, I Said It

I'm tired of the blame video games receive whenever something vile happens. I have nothing new to add to the argument, only exasperation and the fact that I need to share: Video games are vehicles. They can carry information, education, entertainment, thrills and chills. So can books,

Desk Top Tales

Hello people! So while I was typing this blog entry, I almost toppled my coffee mug off the desk…Thank God my pillow was there to cushion its fall…Right, now to explain what a pillow is doing on my desk!

Creator of Arch Rivals, Rampage, Arctic Stud, and MORE!

We're excited to have Brian Colin joining us on! He's been developing tons of games for along time and here's a list he's written a Chronicle of the projects he's been involved with on this new social network JUST for gamers...

Profile: Dhruv Mody

Some of you CTRacer regulars may know this guy, and for those of you who don't here's where you get to know him better!

Devil May Cry 4 is Now Available for Pre-Order

Finally the game is about to be release on PS3 and Xbox 360. Devil May Cry 4 will be release on February 5th, 2008.

Role Play, anyone?

n traditional role-playing games, participants usually sit around a table and conduct the game as a small social gathering. One participant, the "gamemaster" (GM), describes the setting and the actions of the inhabitants, while the others describe their characters' actions and responses.


You do not exist, except in legends & in the minds of your enemies. You thrive on their fear. You are a shadow. You are the ultimate ninja – the Assassinator! Send your enemies to hell using your ancient killing techniques & your Assassin ink. Draw out a deadly plan & see it through. In your world, just one rule counts

Skies of Arcadia 2 in Development!

While being interviewed by Kikizo, Overworks president Noriyoshi Ohba said, "The Skies of Arcadia sequel is in the planning stages at the moment." Could this be the big RPG Nintendo Power mentioned?

New Game Designed To Have No Influence On Kids' Behavior

Electronic-entertainment giant Take-Two Interactive, parent company of Grand Theft Auto series creator Rockstar Games, released Stacker Tuesday, a first-person vertical-crate-arranger guaranteed not to influence young people's behavior in any way.



Unlockable Weapons In Team Fortress 2

"some details of the upcoming TF2 updates, including unlockable alternate versions of weapons for all classes and the new game mode 'Goldrush'"

Hacking Real World Systems

How I hacked Party Poker's VIP system to get lots of free schwag.

Update? Maybe, Maybe not...

New stuff for We The Gamers! Check it out!

Family Restaurant Game Download at BD Studio Games.

Family Restaurant: Test your cooking skills in the kitchen of your father`s restaurant. The more tasteful and creative the recipes, the better the chance to get the ultimate goal of a 5 star rating. Deal with time pressure and stress by cooking multiple dishes at the same time. Boost sales by inventing creative recipes of your own.